Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How About Starting Your Own Air Courier Service?

I have always dream of owning your own business, have time and money to visit exotic places and the ability to fly first class? How about starting your own air mail services?
if loves travel and live in the city or near the airport a large number of national or international, and you have kind of lifestyle that lets you pick and will last minute notice, you might want to think about the start your own business that " Air Courier & quot;.
what air courier is? That the person who is hired to transport a specific point to another, within a specific deadline.
and, before starting to imagine a man who is evil in trench coats and carrying of weapons with silencers, beautiful women and the transfer of foreign secret microchips, let me assure you that as travel Air Courier 100% legal and publicly!
what ask you transport vary dramatically - can be almost anything - legal documents such as letters or commercial contracts, children going from one country to another, and this is the drug forgot during the holiday, reports, computer disks, and models of products - List endless.
in Indeed, given for the & quot; satisfying moment & quot; mentality today where we are used to information and communication that travels faster than the speed of light, air and courier companies have seen business grow dramatically over the last ten years. What does this mean for you is to increase opportunities for the free travel.
who own could begin airmail services? Those over the age of 18 years, holds a valid passport and who is in good health. It also helps if you are flexible and can capture travel and a very short notice.
why This is a wonderful opportunity?
when sending a group through the air, the shipper two choices - I was sending a group " goods ". Goods travelling alone (especially since the tragedy of 9 / 11), is shipped in bulk in large containers, which usually do not even send a container full, in order to maximize revenue for airlines.
in In addition, particularly when they are sending goods abroad, and there Sometimes long delays to reach this group through customs, and there are endless regulations that must be followed, that the inspections must be passed, etc.
for air companies, who have to make sure the deal not only Muslim, but they reach the intended recipient as soon What can not be conceived of these delays. (If you do not make deadlines, after which it will be rivals. I think the motto of one of these companies ... " at all, positively has to be there ... & quot;)
on overnight On the other hand, If the same item is " personal effects & quot; being ticketed passengers with, to hit with passengers, and generally passes through customs quickly, without all delays.
plus, anyone can book a ticket for a particular trip Arriving at their destination at a specific time - not so for cargo. This means that the shipment that could take days or weeks if classified as goods, rather than an hour can take it classifies baggage.
because only a very small number of air companies have the resources necessary for the use of full-time messenger, the industry itself has come to rely At their own expense air couriers, which, even when forced to pay someone to travel and cover the cost of air travel, is still the best investment returns for good when compared against the payment of wages to full-time basis, and Eid sick pay, insurance and all other costs involved After that is where employees.
this comes in.
as air courier, you& 39;re providing a valuable service in a growing market. Traveller from the point of view, you might find yourself on the way to Paris one day, and Hong Kong after one week!
once I had been contracted, the process is pretty simple: Telecommunications Company to you, to verify the availability of your own. When the book asserts that it flight and let you know when they are in the airport. I was met at the airport representative who offers you a reminder, a list of item or items you transfer and baggage claim tickets your own. L usually until you check in, saving you a lot of inconvenience. Get to sit in first class, enjoy the journey. That& 39;s it. Do not have to contact the recipient in the city on its way to you, in fact picking up a set your way to the airport, or do anything other than that he was responsible for one to go to the airport another.
at your destination, you may be met by another company representative Which will take the baggage claim tickets, and give you a return long ticket.
how Will Get to survive? That depends on you and the air courier company. Sometimes your schedule will be tight - you can only get the hours between flights. Other times, you& 39;ll have during the day or two. Clearly, as more companies and your reputation you know that the work because they can rely on you, you have room for further negotiating.
there several ways to get started. There are, in fact, companies who recruit air courier charges, to join and are usually symbolic. Benefits experienced by certified The company can be many. For example, which often provide information that can take you a long time to discover yourself. It also provides forums and newsletters and other resources to help you succeed. Because they have built a reputation, you may find it easier to start in business by working for one of them in first.
but, you can also find information completely on your own, and begin freelancing. Yellow Pages in search of air couriers located near your local airport. To figure where you& 39;d like to travel to, and a list of locations it serves. Because there are transportation companies items World Health Organization, both internationally and within States alone, where I travel to a large extent would be a matter of personal choice.
also, and make sure the investigation of each company before applying them. I wanted to be sure to make a solid business, with a good reputation. Once narrow your choices to get on the phone, and know what is the process of application. Today many companies prefer you to apply on the Internet. Whatever the process, and make sure you provide them with all the information request.
timely Tip: After your request, and then follow up with a letter thanking you, for your new company " & quot; header. Remind them of the availability of your own, you can accept short-term or any notice flights. Find a way to position yourself above the other couriers.
once I had gone through the process the first time, you& 39;ll have a better idea than the other companies that wish to apply to and how to refine the skills of your personal interview. (So do not make your first application with the largest companies that want to work more.) Obviously, if you limit yourself to one or two companies, and you also reduce the amount of work which will be the sites, you can travel to.
timely Tip: To develop a database of companies that applied to you, and you applied so far, and contact information. Follow-up regularly with the company, but not pest.
once I had been contracted, do not be surprised if the calls started to reach within the first two weeks. There is an increasing need for Professional, is responsible air couriers.
here some things to keep in mind at the start of work:
1. The professional. Remember that while struggling jeans and face may be comfortable for Vacationers, you operate an air courier and company.
2. And often receive only luggage to take with you is by hand. Investment in microfiber clothing in basic colors, and a package of necessities for learning only. If you get to stay for longer than a few days, you can always pick some basics when I there.
3. Give your own business cards to company representative to travel to a country you, and be sure that your e-mail and voice mail information included.
4. Apply to all companies that you have decided you want to work for, and then follow up with those that did not relate to you regularly - perhaps a polite letter or even a one-page leaflet that based on the latest industry related news.
5. The survival of the organization. Do not over commit yourself, and try never to have to cancel your trip.
starting airmail service is a wonderful way to earn money and see the world.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rackspace appoints EMEA Managing Director

Rackspace Managed Hosting, Britain most recommended hosting provider, today announced the appointment of Doug Loewe, as managing director, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Loewe joins Rackspace Managed Hosting of iPass, where he was Vice President and Managing Director, EMEA. He will be responsible for guiding the growth of Rackspace business operations in the UK, and expansion activities in continental Europe. He brings more than 20 years, commercial and managerial experience in the Internet and telecommunications industries to Rackspace. Lanham Napier, president and CEO of Rackspace Managed Hosting, said: " Doug joins Rackspace at the time of significant growth in business and his business experience will help us to realize our expansion plans across Europe. His track record of driving growth in business and the world& 39;s leading teams make it great leader for Rackspace. Jacques Greyling, who has done an incredible job in the past 12 months, helping us to retain 80% a year over year growth will shift to the role of Director of Operations, which allowed him to focus on the technical side of the business and developing fanatical support ". Doug Loewe said: & quot; Rackspace unique customer service philosophy, fanatical support, combined with its specialization in that, certainly, the growth sector in the aggregate provide enormous business potential. I am pleased to be part of a team, as we drive business to a new level. " Before joining iPass, Loewe has held various senior positions in Cable & Wireless, Genuity, WorldCom, UUNET, and CompuServe. Lowe holds MBA from the University of Chicago and BSBA degree in business / Computer Science from Ohio State University. -- Endov-Note to editors: About Rackspace Managed Hosting: a recognized leader in the field of global governance hosting market, Rackspace Managed Hosting world-class organizations to provide services at the enterprise level, web infrastructure and managed services for enterprises of all sizes. Serves more than 13000 customers through eight data centers worldwide, Rackspace integrates industry best technologies for each customer need, with the support of 100 percent network uptime guarantees. Founded in 1998, the company has received numerous awards for its brand of customer service known as fanatical support, including the Unisys / Management Today 2005 Service Excellence Award. It was also recognized in the 2007 Financial Times " best places to work Awards as one of the most & quot; fun and friendly and " & quot; " the most welcoming places to work in Britain. For more information, contact: James Mitchell Kaizo Central Court 25 Southampton Buildings London WC2A 1AL Tel: +44 (0) 0203 043 4151 Fax: +44 (0) 203 043 4154 Web: http://www.rackspace.co.uk/ E-mail address: rackspace@kaizo.net

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Phoenix, Arizona Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Real Estate Topics

If you have been thinking about buying, selling, leasing, or leasing out a home in Arizona, this is the first place you will want to start. It is extremely important that you are properly represented so that you know what you are getting your self into when discussing Arizona Real Estate. It might be nice to know that there is a Real Estate firm in Arizona that is here to represent your best interests. That company is Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. At any time, please feel free to visit the website associated with this article to get in contact with an experienced Realtor that can help you with all of your Arizona Real Estate needs.
Buying Real Estate may be the biggest, most important investment of your entire life. Put this investment into the right hands. Would you rather have a Realtor that has dealt with countless satisfied clients or a Realtor that just obtained their Real Estate license? Would you rather have a Realtor with a college degree, or a Realtor that is a high school drop out? Would you rather have a Realtor that knows the area because they have lived in Arizona for nearly thirty years, or a Realtor that just moved to Arizona a month ago? Experience goes a very long way in Real Estate. Would you rather have a Realtor that has negotiated countless contracts for his clients, or a Realtor that has done one or two contracts?
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage goes way out of their way to make sure their agents are properly trained. It does not matter if you are a buyer, a seller, an investor, a tenant, a land lord, or a commercial Real Estate buyer or seller, Coldwell Banker is there for you. Coldwell Banker does it all. Looking to purchase land in Arizona? Coldwell Banker will help you.
Coldwell Banker is on the cutting edge of technology. This fact is most important when selling your home. Many home buyers are now turning to the internet to find their next home. Since this is now the case, it is very possible that people will be looking at your home online too when Coldwell Banker. When you put your home on the market with Coldwell Banker, you are getting ample exposure in a variety of different ways.
When purchasing, Coldwell Banker makes sure that all of your questions are answered, and makes sure that you are getting the absolute best price possible. An experienced Realtor may get a better price for you on the home you are planning on purchasing versus a new agent. If you could get a home for twenty thousand dollars less when buying a home with an experienced agent versus a new agent, would that be important to you? It does not matter who you are, twenty thousand dollars is a great deal of money.
This is not to say that a new Realtor can not represent your best interests because they can. If you were on trial for murder in a court of law, would you rather have an experienced lawyer that has never lost a case represent you, or a lawyer that just got out of law school? The answer to most is obvious. This is not to say that the lawyer that just got out of law school will not do a good job for you.
Again, experience goes a very long way in Real Estate. Let Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage be your first choice when selecting a Real Estate firm to represent your best interests. Please visit the website connected to this article to get in contact with a Realtor that will give you the service, quality, education, and experience you deserve.
Scottsdale, Arizona Coldwell Banker Real Estate Agent
North Scottsdale, Arizona Real Estate

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Classy Home Decor

http://www.zestbit.com/writerrighter/view/Classy-Home-Decor-.aspx"> www.zestbit.com ">I will give you specific tips and ideas for improving your home s decor. You can have a home that shows you are a person of culture. There are a number of traditional and refined furnishings you can add to your rooms to uplift it. You just need to know what they are!
Furnish Your Rooms
To begin pick a dominating object, something like a Persian rug for example, that is a quality piece. Since the mind tends to assume then that the quality exists throughout. Then use other aspects of the room to draw attention to it, such as identical colors in curtains and chairs. Use no more than two dominant colors. In a refined house sumptuosness is in the details--details such as fringes, braiding, ropes, tassels, hardware and curtains spilling over onto the floor by 2 to 4". A professionally painted wall, called "trompe l oeil", is a mural that tricks the eye believe there is dimension on a flat surface.
Wealthy homes often house mementos that reflect the leisure pursuits of its owners--travel, games, outdoor sports, gardening, entertaining, intellectual pursuits and collections. Collections are often displayed framed or mounted in one place. Encyclopedias lining shelves and art books are typical. Signs of entertaining would include a fully stocked dining area, a handsome serving tray or tea cart with China tea service, an espresso machine, cloth napkins and some crystal. Feeling spoiled yet?
In the backyard patio a fence or stand of bushes to form a privacy screen would be needed. Living trees in pots could be used instead (emphasis on living, not artificial). Generally a sense of quality workmanship is the goal here, not flashy or gaudy. Pretend you ve never been to K-mart! Have a piece of furniture in a fine wood. In a similar vein, incorporate carved moldings in some of your rooms or a cornice and baseboard. Another architectural element that is very visible would be columns or pilasters in the living room or entry area. Plush, loose pillows on beds and couches, old sterling silver, pedestals for displaying sculptures are pretty standard.
You may need to do some homework on period furniture. I m talking historic styles of furniture here. Choose one period of furniture that you like and copy it by buying a couple of pieces in that style. If you have a fireplace set a quality firescreen in front of it. If you have a dining room then hang a chandelier in it. They are not all large these days. Don t overlook your doors--the main entry door and interior doors. Install good hardware at least on the main entry doors. If you can get some paneled doors that is icing on the cake.
Even if you are not an art expert you can get buy a large piece of art--yes, bigger is better so long as it is not so large that it overwhelms the room it occupies. I suggest you gather opinions from other people as to the tastefulness of the artwork you choose. You will feel more confident in your choice this way. The frame around the painting should be elaborate, so as not to devalue the art. Have a small art light illuminate it. Another option for display is to set a framed piece on an easel.
Popular art subjects include botanical prints and portraits. A European tapestry adds warmth to a large room. A Chinese screen adds panache to your decor. It is actually quite useful in adding depth to a plain corner and even hides flaws in a wall surface. Here is another method of adding beauty to a wall and hiding bumps or cracks. Cover some walls with fabric rather than wallpaper. If you enjoy music then a floor harp or table harp is pretty addition. Also, an old wooden music stand with old sheet music is an option. Show an intellectual side of you with a telescope standing by a window.
In old European opulence some items don t look new. They have the look of a valued item that has been around for years and then handed down because it was special. You would notice that in some worn fabric on upholstered chairs and sofas. A tall armoire would dignify a bedroom, as would a footstool with a fur throw--faux fur would be acceptable--as it implies comfort. A full or partial canopy bed on its own would be enough to bring the bedroom to a new standard. If you want to have a mirror in the bedroom get a large on for a sense of grandeur; and make sure it has a classic feel to it.
Large porcelain animal statues and urns also add importance. A brass-studded club chair is a good addition to a man s room. A small, tasteful bar in the den is ok too. A popular standard for many years has been the double-skirted round side table. This would be appropriate for a woman s room. Don t forget that flooring shows class when it is carpeted with wool carpet or a quality synthetic blend.
If you prefer wood floors stain them dark. You also can t go wrong with a real oriental rug. Favorite fabrics of the wealthy have been chintz fabrics, heavy velvet and damask. In the kitchen you can add class and utility with gourmet class small appliances, chef quality pots and pans and a good set of china, even if used rarely.
If you are unfamiliar with any or all of the terms I have used here look them up to educate yourself. Good sources of design ideas, to get you aquainted with how to put things together, would be interior design magazines showing current trends. If all else fails, hire a decorator!
Written by Kelly T. at http://www.zestbit.com http://www.zestbit.com/writerrighter/view/Classy-Home-Decor-.aspx"> www.zestbit.com

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